3 tours: Jeep Tour + Trindade + Escuna

1° day: Jeep Tour - Cachoeiras e Alambique

Jeep 4×4 in the National Park of Serra da Bocaina. The itinerary visits the waterfalls and stills of Paraty, the Marco do Caminho do Ouro and the Pedra Branca alembic to know the production process of the famous Cachaça from Paraty, with an optional degustation of the liqueurs and cachaças.

🔹 Departure time: 10:30h

🔹 Departure place: Paraty Tours agency.

🔹 Duration: 6 hours.


  • Cachoeira Pedra Branca
  • Alambique Pedra Branca
  • Marco do Caminho do  Ouro
  • Cachoeira do Tobogã
  • Poço do Tarzan
  • Casa de Farinha Ouro Branco


2º day: Boat Tour in Paraty - Beaches and islands

With a duration of 5 hours, it visits 3 beaches and 1 island, making stops of 30 to 40 minutes in every place, with time to relax, swimm, do snorkelling or just to enjoy the view or a delicious lunch on board (optional).

🔹 Departure time: 11:00h

🔹 Departure place: Cais de Turismo of Paraty

🔹 Duration: 5 hours

Itinerary: Lagoa Azul 

  • Praia Vermelha.
  • Praia da Lula.
  • Ilha Comprida.
  • Lago Azul.


3º day: Trindade Village Tour

The Trindade village is a paradisiac bay located at 27 km from Paraty, with 04 oceanic beaches and 01natural pool in the middle of the sea. The transport is maden in vans or minibus, with specialized guides that will show you about history, ecology and caiçara culture.

🔹 Horário de Saída: 9:00h

🔹 Local de embarque: Agência Paraty Tours

🔹 Duração do passeio: 6 horas


  • Praia do Cepilho
  • Praia dos Ranchos
  • Praia do Meio
  • Praia do Cachadaço
  • Piscina Natural do Caixa D’aço

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